Get Funding with Private Money

Are You Looking For Funds For Your Next Investment Property?

The first part of every successful fix and flip is finding the right real estate property.  That’s why we’ve created this easy, 5-point guide to help you find the “sweet spot” deal, which can give you the best chance at making money in real estate, while safeguarding your investment.

At Stock Town Ventures we are only interested in funding projects that will give you the best opportunity at realizing success. Therefore our criteria is centered around these 5 points:


Homes above the FHA cap are statistically more likely to experience drastic fluctuations in value and can be more susceptible to local and overall market depreciation. Homes in the 5-point realm tend to be more resilient to these influences.

Why 1-4 Units?

This is important. When you invest within these parameters, you can attract a larger segment of the market, including FHA buyers. This increases your ability to appeal to more people in more demographics.

Why price your home at or below FHA requirements?

FHA loans bring home ownership into reach for first-time home buyers who might have a hard time getting approved with conventional lenders. This increases your ability to sell your property faster and broadens your ability to attract more potential buyers.

Why a smaller home with no more than 5 bedrooms and 3 baths?

Millennials and Boomers are the two segments expected to dominate the market in the next five years. Both of these segments are looking at smaller homes: Millennials because they’re just starting out; Boomers because they’re downsizing. Candace Taylor of The Wall Street Journal wrote, “These days, buyers of all ages eschew the large, ornate houses… in favor of smaller, more modern-looking alternatives.”

Why less than 1/2 acre?

Both Boomers and Millennials are looking for less upkeep: Boomers because they’re getting older and Millennials because they’re just starting out. More acreage also means more expense.


Non-Owner Occupied Single Family Residential (1-4 Units)
Investment Purpose: Acquisition, Cash-Out, Refinance, Rehab
90% Purchase – Up to 100% of Rehab (90% LTC) – Not To Exceed 75% of After Repair Value.
Refinances up to 65% Loan to Value.
Rates: 8%-15%
Term: 6-24 Months

Elite Investor Program

Introducing our exceptional Elite Investor Program, where we finance your venture all the way! Join our exclusive league of investors, and we’ll cover 100% of the Purchase Price, Closing Cost, and Rehab Cost.

Are you an ambitious investor who’s ready to elevate your investing game? If you complete four deals with us within a 24-month period, or if you’ve accomplished eight deals in the past two years, you’re eligible for our Elite Investor Program. Embark on this exciting opportunity and propel your investing career to unprecedented heights!

Not an Elite Investor Yet?

Are you a budding investor with a promising deal, but lacking the necessary funding? Worry no more – our team is ready to join forces with you! We provide not only the complete funding you need but also the expertise to kickstart your property flip. We offer flexible partnership models, either splitting profits 50/50 or 25/75, based on the specific deal and its financial requisites. So, seize this golden opportunity and turn your investment dreams into reality with us!

Quick Calculations For A Great Deal

The adage, “You make your money when you buy!” underscores the importance of a wise investment. Professional investors ensure good deals by following realistic estimates and a key formula:
Maximum Allowable Offer (MAO) = After Repair Value (ARV)*70% – Repair Costs.

Calculating repair costs can be challenging, especially for first-time deals. An easy method involves determining the square footage (sqft) and the extent of renovation required. Renovation levels vary from light (paint, carpet, small patches, etc.) at $15/sqft, medium (plus kitchen and bathroom updates, new flooring, etc.) at $25/sqft, to heavy (including new drywall, HVAC, plumbing, etc.) at $35/sqft.

This relationship can be formulated as: Repair Costs = SQFT*Renovation Level Cost. Keep in mind that properties with severe damage or requiring luxury finishes may significantly exceed the $35/sqft estimate.


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